61. Get Away with the Perfect Practical Joke or Hoax

In 2002, I managed to create a message in a bottle. It was a single sheet of paper that was burnt and had coffee stains all over it with a picture of an island and "SOS" written on it. Me and my best friend (Jenna) were at the foreshore and I'd managed to convince her step-dad to plant the bottle in the water for us to find.

It was awesome! Not only did she believe it was real, but we spent the good rest of a year ploughing through atlas after atlas and doing research trying to find an island that looked like the one I had drawn. It must have been after about a year that Mum told me I had to tell her it wasn't true.
She took it quite well! Seeing as she had told all her school friends and family, she wasn't too angry at me for long.

Pretty good for an 11 yr old!
