13. Meet Someone With Your Own Name

Not hard with a name like mine...
I know LOADS of Sams, majority of these are boys. I have met two other Samanthas in my life and one of them happened to share the same last name. Jones. Not exactly a difficult challenge...

Samantha Jones NO. 1
Her name is Samantha Anne Jones. I met her in 2009 through Rovers (scouts) at medieval feast. We were both dressed up as bar wenches, though hers was more German oktoberfest themed. I have seen her around a few time since, but that was it.
 As you can see, we both looked AMAZING in our costumes!

Samantha Jones NO. 2
Fictional characters still count right?? This is the only Samantha Jones that seems to pop up in Google. She is one of the 4 main characters in the TV show/ movies Sex and the City. She's the slut, of course, a fact that has proved very humorous by many of my friends. She has many famous feats like sleeping with old men, having sex on the bonnet of a car in the middle of the desert and not being able to make a commitment.

The only similarities we seem to have are that she is the oldest in her group of friends, which was true for me all throughout school. I wish another similarity was the amount of money in our bank accounts, and the amount of clothes in our wardrobes, but hey, what can you do?
I will always remember introducing myself to my (now) best friend from high school as "Sam Jones" to which she replied "You're kidding, right?". At that time I had no idea what she was talking about, I'd never seen the show! Needless to say she introduced me very quickly and so much became clear!
